
How do we live nowadays...

Our possibilities to cope with emotional problems or to elaborate on our own feelings is limited. Au contraire our wisdom and culture is to be found on the Internet. Google is your new best friend and Myspace, Twitter and Facebook your platforms for social networking. Is it possible to go on internet dates? The answer is: YES. Skype or MSN with your buddies while being on Google Maps and teling them where you are going. Cyber dates... not new but on the way to be normal. Dangerous for your social life? It might be, but there is still no place for cyber jobs. Is cyber friendship bad? I don't think so: As long as you still meet with the outside world, having friends from far, far away is always a good thing (and don#t forget the breathing either). People think strangers can understand them better than their own family or friends. Are they right? - Sure why not? Social networking gives us the opportunity to live our "other self". But don't forget: Don't lose yourself! Be who you are.... in every possible way. Stay true to yourself! If you like RP (as in roleplay) so be it... nevertheless your character is neither a real person, nor are you a fictional character. You can play around all you want and let your imagination take over, as long as you realize that it is not the world as you know it, you play in. It is another universe.

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