
Poetry on the run

Lingering inside her heart
violent and sore
alluring to the extent of insanity
vivid as many of her dreams.
She can not be brave
for it becomes crystal clear
sanity was never made for her.


Poetry on the run

Hello my dear readers,

I have written the next poems mainly somewhere in the vast universe of college.
I'd like to present a few to you over the next several days.
Starting with:


Swirling, nearly liquid
cupped and swaying
warm and languid
it seers inside.
Hottest pleasure
fine it is
ends with ling'ring kiss.


How do we live nowadays...

Our possibilities to cope with emotional problems or to elaborate on our own feelings is limited. Au contraire our wisdom and culture is to be found on the Internet. Google is your new best friend and Myspace, Twitter and Facebook your platforms for social networking. Is it possible to go on internet dates? The answer is: YES. Skype or MSN with your buddies while being on Google Maps and teling them where you are going. Cyber dates... not new but on the way to be normal. Dangerous for your social life? It might be, but there is still no place for cyber jobs. Is cyber friendship bad? I don't think so: As long as you still meet with the outside world, having friends from far, far away is always a good thing (and don#t forget the breathing either). People think strangers can understand them better than their own family or friends. Are they right? - Sure why not? Social networking gives us the opportunity to live our "other self". But don't forget: Don't lose yourself! Be who you are.... in every possible way. Stay true to yourself! If you like RP (as in roleplay) so be it... nevertheless your character is neither a real person, nor are you a fictional character. You can play around all you want and let your imagination take over, as long as you realize that it is not the world as you know it, you play in. It is another universe.


The magic of music

One of these days you will find yourself in a town crowded with people. I don't mean metropolitan areas but a town far, far away from home, where a gathering like that doesn't even happen, when there's goods for free. What I mean? The ordinary but very interesting world of Festivals. They happen throughout the year and leave local people in awe. Whether it is good music or bad taste, people tend to unite in music. (I have to mention there is no possible way for me to listen to hip hop, even if it unites the whole world) A weekend full of bands and you pay a little fortune to be there. No Niagara-like rainfalls or feel-like-roasted-chicken sunburns can keep you away from it. You pick the bands how you like, shower when you want (meaning never) and you meet the most interesting kind of people. Whether they are drunk, sober or simply crazy doesn't matter. It's the music that electrifies you, makes you dance like never before (even if it looks like you can't find the rhythm no matter how sober you are). Festivals are the fun part of the year, where all that matters is listening to bands, watching them have fun on stage and be yourself, no matter how crazy that is. It's not you that really counts... it's the music within you and the one penetrating your tympanic membrane. Like the advertisement says: It's music to (and for) my ears..


Shop - til you drop - aholic

Everyone does it. Daily, Weekly. All the time. I mean the widely known phenomenon called shopping. Not the usual grocery shopping but the raid-your-bank-account-and-spend-it-all kind. Some people may feel this need in them to buy clothes - I don't mean the needed shoes or clothing. It's the tons of accessories, armada of shoes and whole rooms of outfits. People (especially my female friends) described it as "a feeling of different items screaming your name". You may think this sounds mental but I can assure you that many - and I mean many - women (men too, but I rarely came across male shopping queens) can't walk past any tops without hearing the distant screams: "Lauren, Laaaauuuurrrrreeeennn... BUUYY MEEE! I will fit you perfectly and make Randy across the street notice you." (I don't mean to go into stereotypes, but it has been described to me like that) I think that's the ABC of fashion: wear something beautiful and be noticed. It's a shame most people leave the comfort out of the equasion. A woman wearing murderous high heels is immediately declared sexy. Even if said woman walks like a stiff flamingo. You girls out there, I plead with you, don't forget your health. What does it help you if you have been admired for doing your work on high heels, when it is healthier to wear ballets, sneakers or other flat footwear? I don't mean to say that wearing heels occasionally is a bad thing to do, but those are not made for every day. It's funny to see how we love shoes... not just women but men, too.
I can say I fit into that pattern. I love shoes. No, I adore them. But even if I hear them call my name, I simply ignore it. Just imagine somebody you don't want to talk to is calling your name. Just pass by and think about something else. It really helps. One other thing to do: leave your credit card at home. It is always a trap to take a credit card with you when shopping. Your "virtual" money is nothing you can feel or touch. Having real money in your bag assures your bank account to be okay without leaving you empty-hearted because you couldn't buy the latest shoes or clothing.
So considering all these facts here's a list:
- leave your credit card at home
- don't spend more than you can afford
- buy beautiful but funtional clothing
- don't buy unnecessary things
- go shopping with someone that is not addicted to it
- have fun

This should be the ideal shopping guide for you out there, who does think in usual patterns.
I hope you are enjoying your (shopping-) days and read me next time.
